
Job openings:  Phd student and postdoc positions !

Prof Lu was honored to win the  2024 Young Scientist Award (YSA)

Jan 2024  Prof Lu is appointed as associate editor with Chem. Mater

April 2024  Congrats!  Zhizhan and Yixuan’s work accepted in Nat. Mater.

Jan 2024  Congrats!  Shaotang’s work accepted in Nat. Chem.

Jan 2024  Congrats!  Jie and Jiali’s work accepted in Nat. Synth.

Aug 2023  Congrats!  Xiao’s work accepted in Nature.

Prof Lu was honored to receive Dean’s Chair Professorship

July 2023  Congrats!  Hanyan’s work accepted in Nat. Nanotech

July 2023  Congrats! Xinzhe’s work accepted in Nat. Rev. Chem

May 2023  Congrats! Tao’s work published in Nat. Nanotech

Prof Lu was honored to receive Young Researcher Award 2022  (NUS News

Prof Lu was honored to receive Young Scientist Award 2021 (NUS FOS)

Feb 2022  Congrats! Xiao’s work highlighted in Nat. Nanotech

Nov 2021  Congrats! Xiao’s work published in Nat. Nanotech

Jan 2021 Congrats! Jing’s work highlighted in  Nat. Mater.

Oct 2020 Congrat! Jing’s paper published in Nat. Mater.

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